09.01 Latest Videos from the Ukraine Civil War

As a public service, I like to remind everyone as to what is happening within the real Civil War inside of the Ukraine which is being ignored by our President, Congress, both political parties, and the American media by and large. Just think if 1,000,000 plus Palestinian or African refugees were created from a conflict the anointed one would be on television every night demanding the Republicans help him declare war.
However, since the refugees are by and large white, Christian, against LGBT civil rights (whatever), and Russia is having to feed and take care of them, the West could not give a crap because the mentality of the banksters is that it helps to weaken the Russian Federation. Then again, Russia could not give a crap about Obama’s self-imposed refugee crisis of the Central Americans the Obama invited into Texas and Arizona.

This post was published at John Galt Fla on September 1, 2014.