Living In An Age Of Anything Goes And Nothing Matters

The memory hole is working overtime in the USA zeitgeist these days. Shit happens and a week or so later, it unhappens – at least it seems that way as manifested by the front page of The New York Times or the flapping of Anderson Cooper’s gums on CNN.
Anyone remember that Malaysian airlines plane that went down in July in Ukraine killing 283 persons? US government officials were jumping up and down trying strenuously to blame Russian Donbass separatists. The trouble was, they had no evidence whatsoever and their exertions were looking ridiculous (making the USA look ridiculous, of course). Last thing we heard, there were questions about two Ukrainian air force jets chasing it, and photos of entry and exit cannon holes in the pilot’s cabin. Recorded communications between the crew and traffic controllers were shoved into storage bin in the Netherlands, never to be made public. The whole story vanished from the news media like the legendary D. B. Cooper – anyone remember him? – and hasn’t resurfaced since.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/08/2014.