Researchers openly admit dengue vaccine would cause 7-fold spike in infections

A vaccine for dengue fever would actually increase rates of dengue infection over the first few years, according to a study conducted by researchers from Oregon State University and Clemson University, and published in the journal Epidemiology & Infection.“Our analysis suggests that if we develop and widely use a vaccine for dengue fever, there may later be spikes in the incidence of the disease that are two to three times higher than its normal level,” researcher Jan Medlock said. At times, use of a vaccine could cause infection levels to increase as much as sevenfold, the study found.
Vaccine less potent than natural immunity Researchers designed a mathematical model to predict dengue infection patterns following vaccination. Although the computer program was designed to look specifically at dengue fever, the researchers noted that its findings may also be applicable to other diseases.

This post was published at Natural News on Sunday, September 14, 2014.