New Scandal Coming? Eric Holder Jumps Ship, Resigns as Attorney General

We can only imagine what scandal is brewing behind the scenes. For someone this high-up the Obama food chain to jump ship before the mid-term elections, means something very damaging for the White House may be coming down the pipeline…
Eric Holder (photo, below) announced today that he will be resigning as US Attorney General and head of the US Department of Justice. Holder says he’ll be staying on until a successor is confirmed.
Holder, known as ‘Obama’s legal pit bull’, has served as attorney general since 2009, and is regarded as the President’s closest person friend in the administration.

With so much open law-breaking being done by the Federal government, and with much of it covered-up and contained by the Department of Justice, it’s anyone’s guess what has prompted Holder’s exit this week.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on SEPTEMBER 25, 2014.