You’ve probably heard about the latest run for the doors by corporations. These have been dubbed inversions, and labeled by the Nazi in Chief as unpatriotic.
Corporate internationalization has been going on for a long time. Internationalization is defined by Merriam-Webster as simply “to place (something) under international control : to make (something) involve or affect two or more countries”. Corporations which are engaged in the maximization of profits in order to reward shareholders for their risk, have zero qualms about crossing borders, and taking on multiple “citizenships”, and rightfully so.
It’s making more and more sense for individuals to adopt a similar attitude, in order to maximize personal freedom, and therefore also quality of life.
Modern governments, and particularly those of the tax-and-spend-into-bankruptcy variety, are incentivizing citizens to go looking elsewhere for the quality of life they presumably thought they would find in the country of their birth. Not to mention basic human rights such as personal privacy, and the unencumbered right to travel freely. When your paid public servants start announcing that you can be legally (although unconstitutionally) detained indefinitely without charge nor trial, and that your right to leave the realm can be legally restricted, or even permanently “revoked” the time has come to do more than just start thinking about personal internationalization.
What is internationalization with regards to an individual? We roughly define it as being structured, or positioned in such a manner, as to allow you to legally, in addition to ethically, morally, and extremely patriotically tell Big Bro to bugger off. That you will not henceforth be submitting to the Constitutionally prohibited maneuvers, so cleverly designed in order to infringe upon your most basic human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
If you grew up in the US, and were indoctrinated into the public school system, you can remember saying, literally thousands of times – ”with liberty, and justice for all”. How many of you now, really believe, that that phrase has anything whatsoever to do with the country in which you currently reside? Similarly in many parts of Europe, Canada and Australia, based on what I’ve seen.

This post was published at Dollar Vigilante on September 29th, 2014.