The CDC’s Profit Motive Connected to the Spread of Ebola

This article will demonstrate that the CDC has positioned themselves to profit from the recent Ebola crisis. And if the crisis turns into an epidemic, all the better for the financial bottom line of the CDC. For the CDC to step in and recommend to President Obama to close all air travel from West Africa, both direct and indirect flights, would work against their potential profit making status.
This obvious conflict of interest places every American at risk. Before exploring this disturbing development, let’s trace the chain events leading up to this very disturbing and what some people will call, criminal event.
The Sheep Will Never Get It As the news of the CDC’s profit motive and resulting conflict of interest begins to circulate, the sheep of this country will never believe it because of their self-imposed version of cognitive dissonance.
I was speaking with some friends recently, who are not very aware, nor are they very awake about the world they now inhabit. They subsequently asked me what I thought about the ‘Ebola scare’ as they wanted to know if I thought America had anything to worry about? As I hesitated and began to choose my words carefully, they quickly cut me off and told me that the American people had nothing to worry about and the CDC has everything under control. I asked them where they had heard that and they said ‘CNN’.
The CDC Is Underplaying the Threat of Ebola, Why? Yesterday, I published an article which clearly showed that the CDC knows full well that Ebola is airborne. And if it is airborne, even a dumbed-down moron knows that it cannot be contained. Here was the smoking gun proof that the CDC knows full well that Ebola is airborne and the CDC is convicted of deceit and fraud by using their own words against them.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on 05, Oct 2014.