More Sony Hack/North Korea Psyop Fun: Team America World Police Screenings Canceled

Hey government and mainstream, lapdog establishment media: I thought we were supposed to be afraid of ISIS… Now it’s North Korea?
What a ridiculous reality we live in.
Right now the mainstream media is flooding the news cycle with story after story trying to rile people up about how the FBI has officially blamed North Korea for the Sony hack which led to the company canceling its scheduled release of the upcoming Seth Rogan movie ‘The Interview,’ ostensibly to avoid terror attacks at theaters.
Yesterday The New York Times ran a story titled, ‘U. S. Weighs Response to Sony Cyberattack, With North Korea Confrontation Possible.’ Voice of America, one of our government’s more openly official propaganda arms, ran with the headline, ‘US: Sony Cyberattack is ‘Serious’ National Security Matter.’ I saw the headline on VOA and went, ‘Uh-huh. Suuuuuuure it is.’
The Telegraph is even saying China helped.
And it’s official: the mainstream media sound like a bunch of children stomping around flailing their arms, ‘Look over here, look over here!! Pay attention to me, dammit!’ for a story that most people aren’t even sure they should waste eyeball juice on.
At the same time, alternative media outlets are rightfully calling this whole thing what it very likely is: a U. S. intelligence operation, and a huge (and frankly ridiculous) distraction.
Two family members have individually asked me now what I personally think of the Sony/North Korea story. My first response when I saw the headlines prior to the ridiculousfest blowing up the last few days was a yawn and a stretch. My response today, however, when they asked was more along the lines of *insert mind-melting scream here* akin to the sound of a rabid ninja camel fist-fighting a giant zombie anteater on crack with lightning bolts for eyes.
So people are actually buying this crap? Really?!

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on December 19th, 2014.