Diagnosis: Cowardice and LAZINESS

If only, the lament goes:
In predominantly African-American neighborhoods of U. S. cities, far too many killers have gotten away with far too many crimes for far too long, fueling a disastrous murder epidemic. Solving these murders and other serious crimes of violence in black communities should be a top goal for law enforcement – and it deserves to take priority over much more widely discussed issues such as racial profiling and the excessive use of force by police in black neighborhoods, from Ferguson to Staten Island.
Ah, but you see choking and shooting unarmed men is easy. It requires no courage, no thought and certainly no “policing.” It’s simple — choke him or shoot him. The End.
Now take a person wanted for murder. That’s a different matter. Now there’s risk — the suspect might shoot back! So what do we do then? Why, we throw a bombwherever the suspect might be (note, not “is known to be“) or, if that’s inconvenient then you burn the place to the ground (Waco anyone?)
Consider this — nearly every time someone is wanted, even for murder, they can be easily captured without violence.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2015-01-25.