Want to Feed the Homeless? That Will Be $400, Please

Homelessness in the U. S. is continuing to skyrocket, despite what the government would like us to believe.
And if you want to help your fellow Americans who are in need, well…there is a price to be paid.
You see, the government isn’t going to just LET you go out and feed hungry folks. Nope. Like pretty much ANYTHING else in this country, that will require a permit, and permits aren’t cheap.
The good people of a non-profit organization found this out the hard way.
Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change recently visited Los Angeles, California to talk to Cloud 9, which is a non-profit organization that has been helping the homeless.
Because no good deed goes unpunished, Cloud 9 recently had the government show up at a charity event and demand they pay over $400 for a permit in order to continue their work.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on May 29th, 2015.