Real Estate and the Number 30

Grasshoppers, Ants, Politicians and Central Bankers
(This is my reflection on the Greek tragedy that is unfolding before us.)
30 years – that is the most common term for a mortgage. 30 years – that is an approximation of the most productive years of an average human. 30s – that is about the age to start the activity known as household formation.
Housing, transportation and food, those are the three essential elements of life. Of the three, housing is the highest expense for most households in the US. However, once paid for, housing can maintain its utility value for a long time, unlike food that has be replenished and paid for every day anew. Once the house is paid for, all kinds of good things happen. If one manages the mid 30 years of one’s life wisely, then one can enjoy one’s golden years.

This post was published at Acting-Man on June 29, 2015.