What No One Is Supposed To Know About Vaccination

I have been an independent holistic health scientist for 50 years now, and when I first started my work and investigations, I made a commitment to go after an ever-deeper understanding of whatever was true, irrespective of what other people believed, or what everyone assumed to be acceptable facts. I knew that if I cared at all about labels, group associations, pre-conceived ideas, or pleasing other people, any of these would be blinders and limitations on what I would be able to understand. Motivated initially by the need to overcome my own health problems, I could not afford misunderstandings or partial clarity.
As a result, I was able to discover many things outside the box of acceptable beliefs according to modern health science. I found that most diseases and even what we call ‘normal aging’ are totally preventable, reversible and unnecessary in most cases. No, diseases do not have to be ‘managed,’ in most cases they can be cured. I found that the main tools needed to accomplish this were not sophisticated new high tech instruments, special new drugs or discoveries in genetics, but rather re-connection to what was known by wise teachers of healing thousands of years ago.
I found through deep investigation and long personal experimentation with almost endless trial and error, that the important elements of health and healing are live foods, natural systems of detoxification (such as colon hydrotherapy), proper exercise, sunlight, grounding, fresh air, rest, and positively re-directed mental and emotional patterns. These things have been known and taught as long as wise teachers who were in touch with the timeless laws of nature were willing to share their insights andEXPERIENCE with humanity. The origin of this knowledge is not ‘higher education’ as we know it today, or acceptable journals, and certainly not corrupt government agencies or medical associations. What used to be known as ‘common sense’ is far closer to the origin of this knowledge than the most complex and sophisticated-sounding academic teaching being given in the medical schools and PhD programs under today’s medical industry.

This post was published at FarmWars on July 8, 2015.