Dad’s Army: Oathkeepers Inserts Itself Into the Ferguson Media Circus

Joining in the Ferguson media spectacle, a detachment of ‘Oath Keepers’ militiamen arrived at West Florissant Ave early Tuesday. As cameras flashed, militiamen displayed their military impressive gear for the cameras, while appearing to be ‘patrolling’ through the crowds of protesters who have gathered for the one year anniversary of the death of 18-year-old resident Michael Brown.
As standard, Oathkeepers were armed to teeth – complete with semi-automatic assault rifles, handguns, radio units, Oakely shades and combat vests, telling Ferguson street demonstrators, ‘We’re on your side.’
According to one civil rights advocate in Ferguson, Karl Dix (photo, left), Oathkeepers are, ‘An unofficial arm the government working hand in hand with the police to suppress rage.’

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on AUGUST 11, 2015.