Hillary Clinton Faces The Music At Benghazi Hearing – Live Feed

In one ofthe most-watched hearings in historuy on Capitol Hill, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faces one of the biggest tests of her career – not to mention her presidential campaign – as she testifies before the Select Committee on Benghazi in the House of Representatives. This, of course, is not the first time, but one wonders if she will come out swinging with her “what difference does it make” persona, or be buried in the minutia of her private email server.
Why is there still so much dispute about what happened three years ago? (Via The Wall Street Journal)
The national response to the attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, was complicated by secrecy, tragedy and national politics. The presence and role of the Central Intelligence Agency in the area– the U. S. effort there was primarily a CIA operation – was not understood for months.
The confusion in the aftermath of the attacks – What triggered the attack? Why wasn’t more done to rescue the Americans? Why didn’t they have more protection? – led to years of blame and recrimination. Many now agree that security at the consulate was inadequate despite requests from those on the ground, but disagreements persist on who is responsible for that.
Complicating matters, the attack occurred less than two months before a presidential election, so it became caught up in the national political debate. And three months after the attack, Mrs. Clinton fainted and suffered a severe concussion, delaying her Senate hearing on the events.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 10/22/2015.