The Mystery of the Constant Flow of JFK Disinformation

For more than half a century, the combined American thought establishment (media, publishing, film, academia, and the like) have been cranking out a steady stream of books, articles, films, plays and more that present a completely false picture of what the assassination of John F. Kennedy was about – including who was behind it, and why.
No mention of the tremendous animus massed against John and Robert Kennedy from every quarter, including but hardly limited to Wall Street, the oil industry, the steel industry, the armaments industry, big publishers, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Mob, the John Birchers. They all hated John and Robert Kennedy and wanted them out. They said it to each other, and virtually spat it in the brothers’ faces. Ruthless men, men who found violence a necessary tool of success.
Yet, who killed John F. Kennedy? We are told that it was one angry, unstable man. Forget that the evidence – massively documented in hundreds of books, government papers and more – is that Oswald was nothing like the way he was portrayed, but instead, a focused, deliberate indiv

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on November 25, 2015.