A Coherent Explanation of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Authored by Eric Zuesse,
Foreign policy is both economic and military. An interpretation of U. S. President Barack Obama’s foreign policy will be presented here that explains both his economic and his military decisions to-date, and that shows he’s been carrying out the policies of his predecessors in office.
On economic matters, he has turned out to be the most ambitious ‘free-trader’ of any U. S. President: he has proposed three gigantic international-trade treaties, two with North Atlantic countries (TTIP for products and TISA for services), and one with Pacific countries (TPP), not only in order to serve America’s aristocracy at the public’s expense (an international ‘race-to-the-bottom’ in terms of workers’ wages, and race to the top in terms of stockholders’ profits and executive pay) (like NAFTA on steroids), but in order to extend the NATO military alliance against Russia, to include now these trade treaties as a companion economic alliance against Russia (to reduce Russian trade with Russia’s biggest market, which is Europe).
Obama’s economic initiative with North Atlantic countries is even more intensive than his one with Pacific countries, because his TTIP & TISA would be economic treaties that would extend the North Atlantic Treaty, or NATO, directly from the military realm into the economic realm. With his TTIP & TISA, Obama is pursuing, essentially, a NATO economic alliance to complement the military one – virtually the same members as NATO. TPP is less important, because that treaty attempts to isolate China, not Russia – and Russia is to be conquered before a conquest of China can be even seriously considered (in some future U. S. Presidency, though Obama is also ratcheting-up the military hostility against China).

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 02/28/2016 –.