The Coming End of the ‘Third Way’ System

The Best Thing About the EU is J. C. Juncker’s Alcoholism
We recently discussed the post-Brexit landscape with a friend (in fact, our editor), who bemoaned that ‘the EU is led by a drunkard’. Our immediate reaction to this was to exclaim: ‘That’s the best thing about the EU!’
Why do we think so? It makes this overpaid, useless bureaucrat human. Not only that, it clearly raises his entertainment value. As our regular readers know, we have insisted for many years that entertainment value is the by far most important criterion by which a politician’s worth should be judged.
The reason for this is simple: it is nigh impossible to achieve fundamental change by voting. Similar to everybody else, politicians and high-level bureaucrats act first and foremost in their self-interest. A young person deciding to enter politics may well be driven by antiquated notions of ‘public service’. Such ideas are quickly discarded once a political career actually begins.
A great many politicians are also psychopaths. Who knows what they would be up to if their jobs didn’t exist? Again, it is fairly simple to come to this conclusion – one doesn’t have to study psychology to arrive at it. The mere fact that these people want to have a job in which they will exercise power over others is already a strong hint as to their mental state (we acknowledge that there have been a few extremely rare exceptions to the rules laid out here, such as e.g. former Hong Kong governor John Cowperthwaite, Ron Paul, or Godfrey Bloom – but these people were/are really ‘anti-bureaucrats’ and ‘anti-politicians’).

This post was published at Acting-Man on June 30, 2016.