Glyphosate Link to Brain Damaged Babies in Brazil? New Groundbreaking Report

Much hype has been generated linking the Zika virus carried by mosquitoes to an outbreak of microcephaly, a form of brain damage, in Brazil. Radical solutions have been proposed such as releasing genetically engineered mosquitoes to quell the threat and reduce mosquito populations. But could all of this simply be a misdirection so that the pesticide industry can continue to get away with selling highly dangerous pesticides such as Glyphosate with no repercussions for the consequences as well as an excuse to further vaccine industry profits and extend the genetic engineering of all life forms as a ‘cure’ for what ails us?
In a groundbreaking new paper put out by Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, Glyphosate is linked to exactly what the Zika virus has been targeted for, althoughrelatively few cases of microcephaly have actually been linked to the virus.
Glyphosate can penetrate past the placenta. Alarming increases in birth defects such as microcephaly, anencephaly, cleft palates and other facial defects have been found in regions of South America and Paraguay where glyphosate is used extensively on core crops. The US Centers for Disease Control have reported on an excessive number of anencephaly births in Yakima (Washington), at four times the national average rate. This increase coincided with a large increase in the use of glyphosate to control waterway weeds. A recent study by Roy et al. on zebrafish embryos revealed that glyphosate causes microcephaly in zebrafish, and that the forebrain and midbrain are affected (but the hindbrain was spared). A US-based study found that the cerebellum is frequently disproportionately large in human microcephaly, particularly in the more severe cases, reflecting a larger effect on the forebrain compared to the hindbrain.
Glyphosate_pathways to modern diseases V- Amino acid analogue of glycine in diverse proteins_FNL_Published

This post was published at FarmWars on July 15, 2016.