DoD Admits US Global Hegemony Threatened By China, Russia In “Persistently Disordered World”

By 2035, the US could find itself in an environment where Russia or China may match or even exceed the West’s military and economic might in some areas, taking advantage of a ‘disordered and contested world,’ the Pentagon’s research unit said…
Conflict and war in 2035 cannot be understood by the simple identification of a set of individual trends and conditions. Instead, the intersection and interaction of many discrete trends and conditions will ultimately change the character of future conflict and illuminate the reasons why the Joint Force may be called on to address threats to U. S. national interests. In fact, conflict in 2035 is likely to be driven by six specific and unique combinations of trends and conditions. Each of these Contexts of Future Conflict creates a troubling problem space for the Joint Force. They include:
1. Violent Ideological Competition. Irreconcilable ideas communicated and promoted by identity networks through violence.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jul 30, 2016.