Mark Cuban Explains Why He Changed His Mind About Trump

Bloomberg’s Ira Boudway details an email conversation about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton with Mark Cuban – the billionaire NBA owner and Shark Tank star…
After Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, Mark Cuban – the billionaire NBA team owner and Shark Tank star – called him ‘probably the best thing to happen to politics in a long, long time.’
A year later, Cuban endorsed Hillary Clinton at a rally, asking: ‘Is there any bigger jagoff in the world than Donald Trump?’
In August, I exchanged e-mails with Cuban about why he switched sides.
BW (8/4/16): Why did you decide to endorse Clinton?
Cuban: When Trump first declared his candidacy, I was truly excited about the possibilities. I liked the idea that someone from outside the realm of traditional politics was making a run for the presidency. I liked the idea that he was unrehearsed and still think in the long run the country will learn quite a bit from his campaign. I also had a very strong dislike for Ted Cruz. I was an ‘anybody but Cruz’ voter. Cruz is a smart demagogue. To me that is a very dangerous combination. So in my initial support for Trump, it was very much in a hope that it would prevent Cruz from being nominated.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Sep 15, 2016.