Given the state of affairs, nuclear war with Russia won’t start tomorrow, or next week – but it could happen soon

October 2016 – WASHINGTON/MOSCOW – Fears of World War 3 starting at any moment have gotten so bad that even Russian officials are stockpiling necessities and advising others to do the same – in case there is a nuclear war. In fact, while NATO and Western leaders talk excitedly about a possible invasion of Europe by an aggressive Russia, many in that country believe that an attack might be coming from the West. One Russian official even thinks that a nuclear war might break out between the United States and Russia before the American presidential election.
The Daily Beast reported this week that at least one Russian official believes tensions between the United States and Russia are so heightened that it would take very little to set off a major military altercation. Sergei Markov, a member of the Civic Chamber (a government oversight and consultative institution in Moscow), fears World War 3 might start soon. Duma Deputy Vadim Dengin also expressed concern, but he was hopeful that there would not be a war with the United States. ‘I cannot understand why the West cannot just leave us in peace, let us be,’ he said. ‘Americans should realize that it will be their children looking for shelters, too, if they are serious about attacking Russia.’

This post was published at UtopiatheCollapse on October 23, 2016.