America – Under New Management

In 2008, the majority of Americans voted for ‘change,’ and in some ways, they got it. They received a heavier dose of collectivism in the form of Obamacare, but in addition, they received an even heavier dose of ‘more of the same.’
Mister Obama did not put an end to Guantanamo as he promised. And, although he did remove troops from Iraq (only to send them back a few years later), he expanded America’s military adventures overall, invading numerous sovereign nations.
As for his promise to come down hard on the sworn enemies of democrats – the evil usurpers on Wall Street – he instead dug in deeper. His Treasury secretaries were banking insiders, not the ‘reformers’ that had been anticipated.
Many who had voted for Mister Obama were deeply disappointed. Under him, government had grown, warfare had expanded, the economy worsened and Wall Street became even fatter than before.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jan 16, 2017.