U.S. Tanks Fire Salvos in Poland as ‘Message’ to Russia — NATO General Ben Hodges

When 62 ton American tanks fire off salvos into the night in Poland the commander of US forces in Europe, General Ben Hodges, wants you to know this is “not just a training exercise“. To the contrary, it’s a message to Russians:
“We’re serious – this is not just a training exercise. We are here to convey a strategic message that you cannot violate the sovereignty of members of NATO … Moscow will get the message – I’m confident of it.”
I don’t know where Hodges is from but in my neck of the woods when you transport a full armored brigade half way across the world to fire at the doorstep of a rival power the message you’re trying to send tends to get a little confused.
We need to ask, do the likes of Hodges actually believe their own nonsense, or are they just trying to stir things up to keep careers and budgets going?

This post was published at Russia Insider