The U.S. Can Learn From India’s Move To Digital Currency?

In short, we can learn to not let it happen here.
In August, Obama’s Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter, appointed Jeff Bezos to the little-known and highly secretive Defense Innovation Advisory Board. This for me confirmed that Bezos was an integral part of the Deep State, which I began to suspect when Amazon’s cloud computing division started receiving contracts from various Deep State divisions (like the CIA). This ‘advisory’ board is chaired by Googles Eric Schmidt.
This position dovetails nicely with Bezos’ ownership of the Washinton Post, which has been transformed into part of the Deep State’s program to proliferate propaganda – or ‘fake news.’ Funded by the taxpayers, the work being done by this Board has intentionally been ‘kept under wraps,’ as Business Insider describes.
After, all the Washington Post has been well respected for decades as one of the primary ‘go-to’ newspapers for domestic and international political news reporting. Trusted as such, historically if a news item was reported by the WashPo, it had to be true, right?

This post was published at Investment Research Dynamics on February 17, 2017.