President Putin – ‘Ramping up Military Hysteria’ Against North Korea Could Lead to Planetary Melt Down

21st Century Wire says…
It is pretty rare these days, to hear diplomats or even world leaders in the west utter words of wisdom. It comes as a shock, therefore when a global player offers an insight that actually makes sense. That is exactly what President Vladimir Putin of Russia just did at a news conference after the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China September 5, 2017.
This report from RT:
‘The examples of Iraq and Libya have convinced the North Korean leadership that only nuclear deterrence can protect them, so no sanctions can dissuade them, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. Pyongyang will not relinquish its military program under pressure of sanctions and military threats, because the examples of Iraq and Libya have convinced it that nuclear deterrence is the only credible way to ensure its security, President Putin told journalists on Tuesday.
Ramping up military hysteria in such conditions is senseless; it’s a dead end,’ he added. ‘It could lead to a global, planetary catastrophe and a huge loss of human life. There is no other way to solve the North Korean nuclear issue, save that of peaceful dialogue.’
The 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq and the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya both came after the leaders of those countries submitted to international pressure and relinquished their programs of weapons of mass destruction in exchange for sanctions relief.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on SEPTEMBER 5, 2017.