Fraud, Exploitation and Collusion: America’s Pharmaceutical Industry

The rot within manifested by the pharmaceutical industry almost defies description.
The theme this week is The Rot Within. America’s Pharmaceutical industry takes pride of place in this week’s theme of The Rot Within, as the industry has raised fraud, exploitation and collusion to systemic perfection. What other industry can routinely kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and suffer no blowback? Only recently has the toll of needless deaths from the opioid pandemic finally roused a comatose corporate media and bought-and-paid-for, see-no-evil Congress to wonder if maybe there should be some limits placed on Big Pharma and its drug distributors. The Drug Industry’s Triumph Over the DEA (WaPo) Explosive ’60 Minutes’ investigation finds Congress and drug companies worked to cripple DEA’s ability to fight opioid abuse What other industry can raise prices any time it wants because, well, it can?Longtime correspondent/physician J. F. recently submitted a chart of medication price increases (below)–nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual because we can price increases.

This post was published at Charles Hugh Smith on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2017.