John Pilger Unmasks Corporate Media at Holberg Debate 2017

21st Century Wire says…
John Pilger gives his customary, masterful talk during the 2017 Holberg Debate. He unmasks the corporate media as willing and criminal accomplices in the deadly war games played by successive world governments in their march towards supremacy over the prey nations in their crosshairs. Pilger reminds his audience, it is up to them to DO something to change the world they live in. We are all responsible for what is done ‘in our name.’
Taken from the Holberg Debate report on this groundbreaking event:
‘At the 2017 Holberg Debate, Julian Assange, John Pilger and Jonathan Heawood discussed the presence of propaganda in news and social media, and its democratic implications.
About 00:11:00 Julian Assange About 00:56:00 Questions for Julian Assange About 01:19:00Jonathan Heawood About 01:43:00 John Pilger About 02:17:11 Las Q&A Session
The event took place at the University of Bergen, Norway, on December 2nd, 2017.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on DECEMBER 8, 2017.