Fake News: Mainstream Media Claims That White House Intern Is Racist For Using ‘OK’ Hand Gesture

In some of our intern pictures, I emulated the OK sign the President sometimes makes. That was foolish. I should have listened more closely to the Commander-in-Chief and given the thumbs up. (1/2)
— Jack Breuer (@jjbreue) December 29, 2017

Another day, another piece of evidence that points to the stunning fact that the mainstream media is willing to spread complete disinformation on a daily basis in their desperate, never ending attempt to hurt President Trump.
The latest example comes in the form of a pathetic hit piece in The Daily Mail that claims that former White House Intern Jack Breuer used a racist hand gesture in a November photo op with the president and fellow interns.
The problem? Breuer isn’t actually a white supremacist and was flashing the ‘OK’ hand gesture that the president and others have used in the past. Keep in mind that the ADL itself has already confirmed this is NOT a racist hand symbol.
The Daily Mail report breathlessly reads:
A former White House intern is coming under fire after flashing a known ‘white power’ sign during a photo-op with President Donald Trump.

This post was published at shtfplan on December 29th, 2017.