Projecting the future: 10,000 years from now

‘When in the course of human events, the tide turns, it turns for the individual, not the group. It turns in favor of the creative force, which is present in every human, not in the collective.’ (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)
I recommend this: write a long detailed piece on what the future will look like 10,000 years from now.
No one-liners. No quick hitters. No summaries.
10,000 years is a sufficiently long period for many changes and revolutions to occur. What may look like ‘the defeat of human civilization,’ if that is an element of your scenario, would only embrace a relatively short span. What comes after that? And after that?
I refuse to accept the proposition that current trends imply a permanent end to human life on the planet.
I have always been exceedingly optimistic about the human race, not as a species, not as a group, but as individuals, after all is said and done.
No matter what befalls us, somewhere along the line, no matter how long it takes, the individual will re-emerge as the primary force – because, at the core, the individual is creative. He is not merely a parrot responding to his own conditioning.
When I encounter dire predictions about human fate, I view them in terms of the next few decades, or the next hundred years or so. They are short-term. Fear is not the proper response – because time is long, very long.
So-called futurists are focused on the relatively short run, in part because their careers demand it. No one wants to fund a study on what the world will look like 10 or 20 thousand years from now.

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on October 25, 2015.