We are the real movement to destroy fake news

The new mandate is: throw off the tattered tasseled layers of horseshit.
The bottom line: we are the real movement.
We’re the people who have the job of exposing big-time mainstream news as the frauds they are.
Along the way, we’ve encountered some strange ghouls and goblins. Just to sketch in a few recent editions:
Scott Pelley (CBS) is careful to watch himself. His tendency is to shove the message down the viewer’s throat like a pro surgeon making an incision without bothering to administer an anesthetic. Pelley’s been working to correct that. He’s a high-IQ android who’s training himself to be human. It’s not going well.
Diane (formerly of ABC) ‘don’t cry for me, America’ Sawyer wandered into sloppiness. She poured syrup on her words, as if she’d had a few cocktails before breakfast. She affected a pose of ‘caring too much’ and ‘refusing to apologize for it’ – ‘I’m suffering for humanity and I won’t cover it up.’ Sniff, sniff.

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on December 9, 2016.