Scotland Votes ‘NO’, Now Watch As the Ground Shifts Beneath Our Feet

Did that just happen?
The world was still up at 3am British time this morning to catch the first returns from Scotland’s historic Independence Vote. Everyone wanted to know.
The Indy bug is a global one for sure, and there is no bigger trend right now than the trend toward autonomy. It will break down hundreds of redundant imperial borders and will be the source of endless strife as the world tries to let go of 19th and 20th century constructs. The world was definitely watching Scotland.
From a global perspective, it seemed like 100% of the world was pulling for a Scottish ‘YES’ even if just less than half of Scots were.
In the end the ‘NO’ campaign took the ‘YES’ by a 10 point margin (we are told), 55% to 45%.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on SEPTEMBER 20, 2014.