The collapse of Europe

‘For a long time, we’ve lived with the delusion that prosperous nations were going to raise the standard of living of poor nations. That was a piece of infernal propaganda. The objective was always the exploitation of those poverty-stricken nations. Their land, their resources, their labor.’ (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Let’s start with this bit of background:
The fear of individuality comes from the apprehension that a human, unchained and alive, might create something that would expose the titanic hoax of the collective and the group; the apprehension that an individual might create something undeniably great and different; and, therefore, put collective human society in its proper perspective.
And so the individual is called upon to sacrifice himself on the altar of the group.
That is the directive.
The counter-force is the individual using his rational mind, his imagination, and his creative force to surpass this societal brainwashing.
The first step is realizing he is not part of the great collective Cheese Glob.
But most people in so-called ‘democracies’ would not see things this way. They would object. They would claim ‘the needs of all the people’ are not being met. They would claim no one has the right to rise above the standards of the masses.
And ‘the masses’ now refer to wide-open borders in Europe and, as in America, the influx of huge numbers of people fleeing from other parts of the world.

This post was published at Jon Rappoport on August 22, 2015.