Ukraine Failed Attempt to ‘Break Russia’? Kissinger Warns U.S. ‘Stop Backing Kiev At All Costs’

The handling of the Ukrainian conflict, and the second-rate attempt to antagonize Vladimir Putin and paint him as an aggressor has failed, if the terse opinion of one of America’s oldest diplomats is any indication.
Henry Kissinger, now 92 years old, remains one of the staunchest insiders in the smoky room, always a move ahead in the game for New World Order dominance.
During the Nixon administration, it was Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who ‘opened up’ Communist China to American diplomacy.
With escalating tensions between the U. S. and Russia, Kissinger blasted the American handling of the Ukraine situation for ‘backing Kiev at any cost’ and basically antagonizing Putin without keeping focus of ‘long term order’ and instead acting recklessly for short-term interests.
Make no mistake, Kissinger – a top envoy for such shadowy globalist organizations as Bilderberg and an advocate of real politik – plays the long game. Long term world order is part of his calculus. Ultimately, Kissinger now suggests, Ukraine will remain a buffer or middle ground between U. S. interests in Europe (via NATO) and the traditional Russian sphere of influence.

This post was published at shtfplan on August 22nd, 2015.