Jeb’s Campaign Is Imploding

The campaign announced that it’s cutting staff, cutting salaries and cutting travel — in other words, pretty-much cutting everything.
Jeb’s trying to play the messaging game with this, that “he’s in this for the long haul” and similar. I have a different take: His campaign is a cash furnace and is not generating enough fuel for its appetite.
Jeb has many more problems though, as the recent Trump attack on him over his brother’s 9/11 record points out. The very last thing Jeb wants to have re-opened is the 9/11 time period, because his Secretary of State, operating under him as Governor, granted driver licenses to the majority of the hijackers including some with expired or nearly-expired visas.
This allowed them to travel with near-zero scrutiny, and certainly was a contributing factor. You can bet Jeb doesn’t want that to become a central political point in his campaign and if I were him I’d be rather worried that it might happen.
Then there’s just the overall what did you really do Jeb? question. The biggest “gain” he can point to as Governor was importing a huge number of illegal Mexicans to build houses at bubble prices, which then exploded in everyone’s face. I don’t know that I’d want to run on that as my “crown jewel” when it comes to my electoral legacy.
But for the time being the issue for Jeb is money, and it’s unlikely to go away any time soon.
Good luck Jeb — you’re going to need it.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2015-10-23.