“Barrel Bombs” And Bullshit: The Tangled Threads Of Washington Lies About Syria And Russia

Submitted by Robert Parry via ConsortiumNews.com,
One way to view Official Washington is to envision a giant bubble that serves as a hothouse for growing genetically modified ‘group thinks.’ Most inhabitants of the bubble praise these creations as glorious and beyond reproach, but a few dissenters note how strange and dangerous these products are. Those critics, however, are then banished from the bubble, leaving behind an evermore concentrated consensus.
This process could be almost comical – as the many armchair warriors repeat What Everyone Knows to Be True as self-justifying proof that more and more wars and confrontations are needed – but the United States is the most powerful nation on earth and its fallacious ‘group thinks’ are spreading a widening arc of chaos and death around the globe.

We even have presidential candidates, especially among the Republicans but including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, competing to out-bellicose each other, treating an invasion of Syria as the least one can do and some even bragging about how they might like to shoot down a few Russian warplanes.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 11/21/2015 –.