Welcome Goldman Sachs to the White House

After Trump’s comments on punishing women for getting an illegal abortion, you really have to question what was he thinking. Of course he has now come out and reversed himself after saying women who undergo the procedure should face ‘some form of punishment’ if the practice is outlawed to doctors who perform such procedures should be punished if abortion is outlawed. While legally he is correct if Congress actually passed such a law, nobody who is becomes president is capable of doing anything more than signing or vetoing a bill which must start in Congress and pass the House and Senate. Even if a president signs such a bill, then it goes to the Supreme Court. Anyone running for office pledging one way or the other is really placating a particular group on a particular issue. It is like running for office and saying he would invade Russia. It would take an act of war by Congress. Obama tried to invade Syria and lost that one.

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on Apr 1, 2016.