Dodd-Frank Rollback Bill: ‘It’s Christmas for the C-Suite and Crumbs for the Cratchits’

Just when you thought the bills coming out of this Congress could not get any more repugnant in their giveaways to the richest Americans, the U. S. Senate Banking Committee proved otherwise yesterday.
The hearing to approve Senate Bill S.2155 was so tainted with doublespeak and preposterous assertions that it would beef up consumer protections, while actually slashing them to shreds, that the video of the hearing has just up and disappeared. As of 8:00 a.m. this morning, it’s not on the Senate Banking Committee website. All that we could locate to review what actually went down in this sellout-to-the-rich session was an audio recording at C-SPAN. Curiously, however, there are numerous breaks in this audio where the speaker’s comments are cut off. Typically, these occur when a Democrat is challenging some provision in the bill. C-SPAN notes that the audio ‘was produced by the U. S. Congress.’
In a shocking rebuke to their constituents, four Democrats on the Banking Committee joined with 12 Republicans to pass the measure. Those four are: Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Jon Tester of Montana and Mark Warner of Virginia.

This post was published at Wall Street On Parade on December 6, 2017.