Me Thinks You Doth Protest Too Much

I wrote the other day on a bestselling author who had written an op-ed on a person who sideswiped his parked car. He was lamenting that the police observed that “People just aren’t honest anymore.”
His challenge was to ask the person who hit his vehicle to prove that wrong.
I went after him, and I believe justly so, pointing out just a handful of the myriad scams and frauds (that is, dishonesty) that permeates literally every nook and cranny of our society today.
Jason has written some pretty decent little puff pieces for Fox as of late. But I gotta tell you — I still think I’m spot on with my commentary, and here’s why.
The simple fact of the matter is that it is Jason, and you, and I, and the rest of us, that make all these scams and schemes possible. We do it through our silence, we do it by participating, we do it when we advocate for or support forcibly taking someone’s money to hand to another in the form of food stamps or AFDC, Section 8, Medicaid or otherwise. We do it when we go along with Obamacare or even allow the “traditional” health insurance rip-off model to function. We do it when we accept the claim that “2% inflation” is proper, even though that is admitting to the wanton and intentional destruction of value of what we have previously earned and, absent such intentional interference purchasing power would increase as technology improves instead. We allow politicians to run ponzi schemes that must mathematically fail and impoverish our children, grandchildren and those not yet born — screwing our own kids. We are complicit and thus to blame because we do not cast our wooden shoes into the gears of the machine, destroying it or at least slowing it down.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2014-10-19.