Brace Yourself for Obamacare ‘Sticker Shock’

Is Spain the Next Greece? Today, we report on a new front in the Great Zombie War – the U. S. health care sector… and why costs there are set to rise. (More on that below…)
For now, we are sitting in the bar at The Hazelton Hotel. We always thought of Canadians as being a bit more reserved and conservative (socially, not necessarily politically) than their neighbors to the south. Well, not in this hotel!
It is more like Dallas than what we recall from our summers in Nova Scotia. People dressed in the latest gaudy fashions… loud hipster music… trendy decor… women who appear to have had extensive body work done. And on the TV above the hotel bar is a recurring ad from a zombie law firm advertising for personal injury cases!

This post was published at Acting-Man on July 20, 2015.