Lib-left establishment calls for sacrifice in the name of the state
H. A. Goodman, a regular at The Huffington Post, Salon and a former State Department employee, believes the only way to fight the Islamic State is to confiscate more hard-earned dollars from the American people and bring back conscription. According to Goodman, we’re a nation of selfish sloths, television watchers who expect a volunteer army to fight our existential battles. ‘It’s time to get off the couch, America, and collectively sacrifice for national security, both through taxes to fund the next conflict and a draft, like previous generations in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam,’ he writes.
Goodman runs to Jon Meacham, a CFR insider, who argued back in 2012 for a return to conscripted slavery, otherwise known as the draft, in order to fight the empire’s wars. Body bags, missing limbs, PTSD and all the other horrors of large scale organized mass murder are a small price to pay to protect America against enemies of its own making.
He quotes R. Russell Rumbaugh, a military analyst at the CIA, who took the pages of the nation’s premier war propaganda broadsheet, The New York Times, to argue we couch-sitters are under taxed and a ‘permanent tax surcharge to pay for wars’ is required to ‘ensure that we… achieve our interests throughout the world.’ Rumbaugh, of course, believes the interests of the CFR and the American people are one and the same.

This post was published at Info Wars by KURT NIMMO | INFOWARS.COM | SEPTEMBER 14, 2014.