Presenting the nominees for The Dumbest Government of 2014

Each year governments around the world seem to compete with one another to come up with the dumbest and worst policies possible. But which one is the stupidest?
The competition is indeed tight as there are just so many terrible entries to consider. But my team and I took some time over the holidays to narrow it down.
We’ll leave it to you to help decide which one should be crowned Dumbest Government of 2014.
In order to cast your vote, leave a comment on our Facebook page, or on Twitter (@thesovereignman #stupidestgov2014), and we’ll release the results later this week.
It is difficult to quantify policy stupidity, as this is one area in which governments can be exceptionally creative. So we’ve decided to set some criteria to help make comparisons.
The two main measurements we look at are greatest damage done to personal freedom and economic activity.
We’re also looking at the biggest relative decline in the past year, not merely the worst government in absolute terms – otherwise North Korea would have topped the list for the past few decades.
This year we’ve seen a significant move in the digital world towards spying, censorship, and limitations of free speech amongst many of the top contestants.
Economies have been destroyed the world over by wars on other countries, wars on free markets, and wars on sound money – increasing volatility and frightening away brains, businesses, and capital.
With that in mind, the nominees are [drumroll]…

This post was published at Sovereign Man on January 5, 2015.