Upper-Class Twit of the Year Discovered in Sweden

Call the Men in the White Coats Before it’s too Late
Today Sweden’s Riksbank ‘shocked the markets’ by cutting its main refinancing rate further into negative territory, to minus 50 basis points. Note that according to the FT, ‘Sweden’s economy is booming’, and the Riksbank itself ‘forecasts that economic growth will be 3.5 per cent this year, a little lower than the 3.7 per cent in 2015′. Sweden also happens to be home to credit and real estate bubbles that are among the biggest on the planet.
We hereby nominate the governor of the Riksbank Stefan Ingves for the ‘Upper Class Twit of the Year’ award. We also urge all the good people in Sweden whose brains are not totally addled yet to quickly call for the men in white coats and have him committed before he can do even more damage.

This post was published at Acting-Man on February 12, 2016.