Funny-Haired Wrecking Ball Strikes Again

Populism Remains Triumphant Donald Trump continues to provide us with great entertainment. We think it was Mr. Kasich who first referred to him as a ‘wrecking ball’. In a recent comment on the New Hampshire primary, Stefan Molineux has amended this to the more precise definition ‘funny-haired wrecking ball’. As he correctly notes, a large part of the Republican base has simply had it with the establishment GOP – and Mr. Trump’s success is reflecting that.
The same is happening on the Democratic side, where Bernie Sanders has clearly become a serious challenger of Hillary Clinton (who in turn incidentally remains in danger of being indicted over her sloppy handling of top secret emails while secretary of state). This is getting a lot less attention than Trump’s triumphs, but it reflects the very same underlying trend: people have had it with the political establishment.

This post was published at Acting-Man on February 23, 2016.