Mary and Clyde Antrim’s Ford Crown Victoria was stolen on June 1 of this year in Pueblo, Colorado. Once recovered, instead of returning the car to Mary, who says she needs it to get to doctors appointments, the police were going to auction it off to make money off the backs of the elderly victims of theft.
Being the victim of theft is hard enough. But what happens when you trust the cops to return your stolen property once they recover it? Nothing. They planned to make money by auctioning off someone else’s stolen property. Two wrongs make a right when it comes to agents of the government. As if the police state isn’t already bad enough.
‘I need my car for my doctor’s appointments that I have to go to,’ Mary said. ‘That’s my transportation and I’m 80 years old and I’d like to have my car back so I can do what I have to do.’ Colorado Springs police have nothing to say on camera about this case (And why would they? They were just doing their job, right?), but Mary is talking after she says police would not give her car back or answer her phone calls.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on JULY 26, 2017.

The Horrors of Late-Stage Socialism

If you take to heart the Legacy Media, you’d be forgiven (not really) for thinking Russia is responsible for not only Trump (despite, of course, Hillary being one of the most unelectable candidates in American history), but also your microwave shorting out and your cat getting hit by a truck last week.
The Neocons and the Neoliberals (but I repeat myself) want to relive the Cold War – they want to revive the USSR and put an even scarier mask on it.
The populace doesn’t seem freaked out enough, it seems – a new Arms Race, perhaps, to tickle the national amygdala?
We need a new enemy to distract us from the real problems. A grand conspiracy to fight against to forget the real grand conspiracies. We need the war drums to be heard ‘cross the nation.
(To Trump’s credit, he’s been showing restraint against the warmongers.)
Perpetual conflict perpetually legitimizes further federal encroachment into your life by the State and continued federal spending.

This post was published at Laissez Faire on Jul 25, 2017.

Boehner Bashes GOP – Will Never Repeal & Replace Obamacare, “It’s Been Around Too Long”

Every entitlement typically creates a constituency that benefits from it and is forever dedicated to its defense… and the longer it exists, the more entrenched (and larger) those defenders become. Simply put, entitlements never get repealed.
That’s the message for former House speaker John Boehner, who as The Washington Post reports, told a business gathering last week that Republicans are ‘not going to repeal and replace Obamacare’ because ‘the American people have gotten accustomed to it.’

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jul 25, 2017.

The Myth of India’s Information Technology Industry

/ July 26, 2017
A Shift in Perception – Indians in Silicon Valley
When I was studying in the UK in early 90s, I was often asked about cows, elephants and snake-charmers on the roads in India. A shift in public perception – not in the associated reality – was however starting to happen. India would soon become known for its vibrant IT industry.
Friends and family are helping students taking university exams with cheating. 2.5 million candidates, many of them with PhDs or post-graduates, recently applied for 6,000 of the lowest level job positions (‘grade D’) available in West Bengal, which require no more than an early-stage school education. While India produces the largest number of PhDs, engineers, etc. in the world, the educational system is in reality in a shambles and a complete joke. Most of these people are in fact unemployable. [The incredible scene above took place in Bihar and is explained in greater detail here. Relatives of students are scaling the walls of the examination center to pass on cheat sheets to their offspring. Policemen who were supposed to guard examination buildings were often bribed to look the other way. A total of 6 to 7 million people across India were estimated to provide cheating assistance. [PT]]

This post was published at Acting-Man on Jayant Bhandari.

Trump Blocks Transgender Individuals From Military Service

President Trump just sent liberal snowflakes across America scrambling with a 3-tweet statement sure to be the talking point that proves his fascist ways…
After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jul 26, 2017.

Colombia continues salvage efforts on San Jos shipwreck

Work to recover what experts call potentially the most valuable shipwreck ever continues in Colombia.
Colombia’s president, Juan Manuel Santos Caldern, announced July 5 that the national government has been in cooperation with salvage specialists to recover the San Jos, which sank June 8, 1708, in 800 feet of water off the island of Baru near Cartagena, the nation’s capital.
Current recovery efforts require a public-private partnership, in a mission that is scientifically minded, the president said.
The San Jos was part of the fleet of King Philip V, who fought the English during the War of Spanish Succession. A reported 600 people died in the shipwreck, which happened when British ships under the command of Adm. Charles Wager attacked the three warships leading the 17-ship fleet. The San Jos sinking was the only success attributed to the British in the event, historically named Wager’s Action.
The Colombian Navy and others located the wreck on Nov. 27, 2015, a find that the nation’s president disclosed on Dec. 5, 2015.

This post was published at Coin World

Want Some Free Guns? The Government Gave $1.2 Million Worth Of Military Gear To A Fake Police Department

In recent years it’s become increasingly difficult for ordinary Americans to ignore the fact that their local police departments are becoming militarized. Just a couple generations ago, the police were armed with pretty much the same weapons that civilians could own. They drove vehicles that, without decals and sirens, wouldn’t be out of place at an ordinary car dealership. They wore uniforms that were comparable to clothes worn by other civilian government employees. Now they carry assault rifles, drive armored vehicles, and on occasion they wear camouflage. They look and sometimes act, just like soldiers in a warzone.
So what made our police departments so militarized? You can partly blame the Pentagon’s 1033 program, which was implemented by the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997. The program allows the Defense Logistics Agency to loan military grade weapons, equipment, and vehicles to local police departments, thus allowing them to transform into paramilitary squads on a shoe string budget.
Among the many controversial issues with this program, is just how easy it is for police departments to receive this gear. In fact, it’s so easy that you don’t even really need to represent a law enforcement agency to participate in the program. Legally you do, but not practically.

This post was published at shtfplan on July 25th, 2017.

The Reason US Police Murder US Citizens

The Reason US Police Murder US Citizens
If you care to understand how public servants were transformed into public executioners, read Philiip Giraldi’s article:
Briefly, the reason US police routinely shoot down unarmed and unthreatening US citizens in the street and in their homes is beause US police are increasingly trained by Israeli police. In Israel the police are an occupying force. They are there to suppress the dispossessed Palestinian population whose homes, villages, and olive groves have been stolen by ‘settlers’ and who are conviently branded ‘ terrorists’ and therefore can be murdered.

This post was published at Paul Craig Roberts on July 25, 2017.

Senate Passes Critical Motion To Advance Obamacare Repeal Efforts

Update 3: Vice President Mike Pence cast the deciding vote and the motion to begin debate on a repeal of Obamacare has officially passed.

Update 2: With just two Republicans, Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voting ‘no’, the Senate has just passed a critical “Motion To Proceed” bill which will allow for debate to officially begin on a repeal of Obamacare. The official tally included 50 ‘yes’ votes which will allow Vice President Mike Pence to cast the deciding tie breaker vote to put Republicans over the edge.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jul 25, 2017.