US F-22 Jets Intercept 6 Russian Warplanes 55 Miles Off The Alaskan Coast

Yesterday it was the UK which scrambled a squadron of Typhoon jets when two Russian Tu-95 “Bear” Bombers had gotten too close to its shores, even if still located in international space. Then overnight, none other than the US did the same when two F-22 fighter jets intercepted six Russian military airplanes just over 50 miles away from the western coast of Alaska, military officials said Friday, among which identified as two IL-78 refueling tankers, two Mig-31 fighter jets and the same two “Bear” long-range bombers, which are known to carry tactical ICBMs with nuclear warheads among their arsenal.
According to the AP, they looped south and returned to their base in Russia after the U. S. jets were scrambled.
Lt. Col. Michael Jazdyk, a spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, said the U. S. jets intercepted the planes about 55 nautical miles from the Alaskan coast at about 7 p.m. Pacific time Wednesday.
Additionally, at about 1:30 a.m. Thursday, two Canadian CF-18 fighter jets intercepted two of the long-range bombers about 40 nautical miles off the Canadian coastline in the Beaufort Sea.
In both cases, the Russian planes entered the Air Defense Identification Zone, which extends about 200 miles from the coastline. They did not enter sovereign airspace of the United States or Canada.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/20/2014.

The Great Father has “Dirty Hands”…Among other Things

Well, the U. S. federal government has always portrayed itself as this ‘Great Father’ to us all, as if we’re just his nave children in dire need of education about how the world really works. We never bought into this crap, but played along with it to save time and avoid more pedantic diatribes from the Great Father. The feds never really believed it, either, in the beginning. But over time, they came to believe their own lie and really thought of themselves as this Great Father. Each president assumes this ‘Great Father’ status as the fatherly figurehead of the usual Washington Great Fathers running the show. But can’t anyone see this is the dad who only calls when he wants to borrow money? The one who gets drunk at family gatherings and threatens everyone? The one who you see around town and if he doesn’t see you, you duck into the nearest coffeeshop to wait him out until he leaves? Most other countries have learned to do this with our Great Father. They’ve had enough of his angry outbursts at the Thanksgiving dinners where he flings the gravy boat against the wall and demands to know why he wasn’t seated at the head of the table. They’ve had enough of his demands that they loan him their lawnmowers when he consistently returns them broken. Just like that one time he swore up and down he could be trusted, and so they loaned him Iraq and he wrecked the whole place in one of his drunken binges. Sadly, we’re stuck with our Great Father, such as he is. Let’s look at the latest family dinner our Great Father is sitting at, simmering in his drunken anger, and about to explode.
Watching our Great Father Obama muddle through this situation with ISIS/ISIL is rather like watching an old Laurel and Hardy movie. Except Laurel and Hardy would have probably presented a sounder foreign policy – if we really need a foreign policy, with all its concomitant headaches. First, our Great Father tells us we don’t have a coalition to fight ISIL, then we might, now we do but they want to be kept a secret. After all, considering what the Great Father did the last time over there, who wants to even be seen with him now? But he is good at buying barroom buddies, I’ll give him that. Be that as it may, now Iran says the U. S. approached them but they said no because the Great Father has ‘dirty hands’. Bingo! The Iranian leader nailed it. The Great Father cannot be trusted because he always has an ulterior motive. And often one that, ultimately, blows up in his face. That is, unless the actual hidden motive is to go in, wreck the place, wreak havoc, then leave. Which is what the Great Father usually does at any family dinner he goes to, invited or not. Thus getting rid of any suspected contenders for Great Father status of other countries somewhere down the road, either real or imagined. The Great Father hates being upstaged. And so it took the leader of Iran to tell the truth to the American people about our Great Father.

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on September 20, 2014.

Keiser Report: Desperate Times (E655)

The following video was published by RT on Sep 18, 2014
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss that only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape the coming desperation. From buying water to keep your plants green in a drought to fracking for natural gas at a loss, however, it appears very few are willing to leave behind all that they believe. In the second half, Max interviews Bill Powers, author of ‘Cold, Hungry and in the Dark: Exploding the Natural Gas Supply Myth,’ about the zero percent interest rate that keep people in the dark on the high costs of fracking and the coming 70s style energy crisis due to growing demand based on fundamental lies.

It’s all scripted! Ebola outbreak and impossibly rapid vaccine response clearly scripted; U.S. govt. patented Ebola in 2010 and now owns all victims’ blood

(NaturalNews) On the very same day that vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline is being fined $490 million by Chinese authorities for running an illegal bribery scheme across China [3], the media is announcing the “astonishing” launch of human trials for an Ebola vaccine. Care to guess who will be manufacturing this vaccine once it is whitewashed and rubber-stamped as “approved?” GlaxoSmithKline, of course. The same company that also admitted to a massive criminal bribery network in the United States, where felony crimes were routinely committed to funnel money to over 40,000 physicians who pushed dangerous prescription drugs onto patients. This is the company that is now — today! — injecting 60 “volunteers” with an experimental Ebola vaccine.
Spontaneous vaccine development a scientific impossibility
“Normally it would take years of human trials before a completely new vaccine was approved for use,” reports the BBC. [1] “But such is the urgency of the Ebola outbreak in west Africa that this experimental vaccine is being fast tracked at an astonishing rate.”

This post was published at Natural News on Friday, September 19, 2014.

Innocent grandmother shot during violent DEA drug raid in New Hampshire

“She went to pick up the baby. They thought she was reaching for something, and they shot her.”
MANCHESTER, NH – During a violent surprise raid on a family-occupied apartment, federal agents opened fire on an innocent grandmother as she reached out to protect an infant.
On August 27th, 2014, a Manchester was at home watching over her 10-year-old daughter and two of her grandchildren (ages 4 and 1.5). At approximately 7:00 p.m. that evening, the U. S Drug Enforcement Agency raided her third-story apartment to look for drug contraband. The raid produced no drugs, no arrests, and resulted in 49-year-old Lilian Alonzo [reported as Lillian Nunez] being shot by an officer. No other adults were present during the raid.
New Hampshire Attorney General Joe Foster vaguely stated that during the raid, ‘one of the officer’s weapons discharged,’ offering no further details.
An unnamed agent fired two bullets in Alonzo’s apartment. One struck Ms. Alonzo in the arm and torso. The other went into a wall. Alonzo survived, but doctors were unable to remove the bullet from her body.

This post was published at Police State USA on September 20, 2014.

FBI: Bombing ISIS Will Only STRENGTHEN Them

By Bombing ISIS, We Are Only Feeding the ‘Parasite of War’ US airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq, far from ‘degrading’ the organization, are actually giving ISIS a huge shot in the arm, according to FBI Director James Comey, who testified today before Congress.
The US operation seems to be playing directly into ISIS’ hands in many ways, with President Obama’s high-profile speech last Wednesday, promising to escalate the war on ISIS into neighboring Syria, paying off for ISIS in recruitment as well.
And see this.
Reuters reports:
Islamic State has won new recruits in Syria since President Barack Obama signaled last week that air strikes against the group will be expanded from Iraq to its strongholds in northern and eastern Syria, a group monitoring the war said on Wednesday.

This post was published at Washingtons Blog on September 20, 2014.

Vladimir Putin threatens Ukraine, also says Russia could invade Europe within two days

September 2014 – UKRAINE – Things in Europe are heating up with threats made by Russia President Vladimir Putin to the Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. In a private meeting also attended by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barraso, Putin said that Russian troops could reach multiple points in Europe in just two days. ‘If I wanted, in two days I could have Russian troops not only in Kiev, but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest,’ he said, according to German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, citing a European Union memorandum of the meeting. While troops could move that swiftly, Putin apparently conceded that it would take up to two weeks to actually capture Kiev. Riga is the capital of Latvia, Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, Tallinn is the capital of Estonia, Warsaw is the capital of Poland, and Bucharest is the capital of Romania. If the report is true then it would be the first time Putin has threatened to invade any NATO or European Union member countries.

This post was published at UtopiatheCollapse on September 20, 2014.

Japan postpones new sanctions against Russia – source

Japan has decided to delay the announcement of a new round of sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, which had been earlier planned for Friday, senior government sources have told ITAR-TASS.
The postponement comes as Tokyo wants to follow Moscow’s reaction towards the move. However, Japan has not yet decided to call off the sanctions and is expected to detail the restrictions later.
The announcement could be made next week during the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to New York, where he will attend the session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Japanese media reports said Tokyo was due to announce the expansion of sanctions against a range of individuals from Russia and the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, to be subject to the asset freeze and visa ban.

This post was published at ITAR-TASS

G20 states are for Russia’s participation in G20 November summit – official

The Group of Twenty (G20) members have supported Russia’s participation in the G20, Australian chief treasurer Joe Hockey told reporters on Friday. He will preside over the G20 meeting of foreign ministers and heads of Central Banks that will be held on September 20 -21.
Asked whether Australia would try to block Russia’s participation in the G20 summit in Brisbane due in November, Hockey said not Australia, but G20 members take decisions on anybody’s participation in G20 work.
The G20 member countries say the door should not be closed, and Russia should take part in the forum. The dialogue should be continued, according to all the G20 member countries. He said G20 is an economic, not a political forum.

This post was published at ITAR-TASS

Third convoy carrying Russian humanitarian aid crosses Ukrainian border

The 200 trucks are carrying foods, including cereals and canned products, power generators, medical supplies, warm clothes and bottled drinking water – 2,000 tonnes all in all.
Before the convoy’s departure Ukrainian customs officials and International Red Cross representatives were repeatedly invited to inspect the cargo. Both refused without offering any reasons.
It is a third batch of Russian humanitarian aid being delivered to the southeast of Ukraine by truck The first two convoys delivered a total of four thousand tonnes humanitarian supplies to Lugansk.

This post was published at ITAR-TASS

Catalonia to press ahead with referendum after Scottish No

Catalan leader Artur Mas has said the Scottish referendum has reinforced his plan to hold a similar vote at home.
Speaking in Barcelona on Friday (19 September), he noted that the devolved Catalan parliament is likely to pass a law on the referendum later the same day.
“I will sign the decree on this consultation in Catalonia. In fact, I will call this consultation on 9 November as agreed some months ago with the majority of Catalan political forces”.
He said he would have preferred it if Scotland had voted Yes.

This post was published at EU Observer

A Widespread Power Failure Plus An Ebola Outbreak Would Become America’s Extinction Level Event

On November 13 and 14 of 2013, DHS and NERC conducted a simulated power grid takedown drill. Despite the fact the drill happened over 10 months ago and was well-publicized, the results have never been released. Additionally, many of us were concerned when we learned that the Russians and the Chinese were allowed to ‘participate’ in the drill. Even more concerning is the result of the Grid Ex II drill which demonstrated that if a widespread power outage was accompanied by a bio-terror event, such as a release of Ebola, the impact would overwhelm our nuclear power industry and the consequences could prove devastating.
After 10 months of secrecy, the results of the drill are beginning to leak. Over the past six months, I have received various communications from nuclear power plant whistleblowers, who have warned me about ongoing FEMA visits to the nuclear power plants across the United States. The visits are being triggered as a consequence to the results of the Grid Ex II drill. All of the visits coincide with Nuclear Power Plants which lie on earthquake fault lines! Here is an excerpt from one these sources.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on September 19, 2014.

Preparing For War On Lies To Cover Up The Economic Collapse – Episode 471

The following video was published by X22Report on Sep 19, 2014
Ford demand falls and begins to cut production in Germany. Microsoft will be laying off another 2,100 employees. Caterpillar now has 21 consecutive months of decline, worse than the 2009 recession. A glitch in Obamacare will leave 1.6 million with no insurance. Confusion on who is calling the shots when the US bombs Syria, is it Obama or the military. The Islamic State is not hiding because of US bombing, the were killed by Syrian air force. US intelligence does not know much about ISIS. Syria still has chemical weapons but they are not in area they control. They are in the hands of the Free Syrian Army.

Killed by Congressional Cowardice

We tend to think of war as resulting from an excess of aggression or disorderliness or rebellion. Western academics hunt in the genes of foreigners and study chimpanzees to find the root of the nastiness.
But one would be hard press to count the number of people who have lost their lives to an excess of cowardice in the halls of the United States Congress. ‘This chamber reeks of blood,’ said Senator George McGovern, who would have been shocked anew this week.
On Constitution Day, the House of Representatives – followed the next day by the Senate – decided to put off until after the next U. S. elections in November any possible consideration of the new U. S. war already underway in Iraq and Syria, but voted in the meantime to approve of shipping weapons over to Syria to fuel the violence.
Here’s a website that tells you how your Representative and Senators voted and lets you send them an appropriate message with one click.
Said Congressman Jim McDermott, who voted No: ‘This amendment, which is valid only through early December, serves as nothing more than a faux authorization designed to get Congress through the election season. Moreover, it addresses only one aspect of the strategy the President outlined last week. That is not a responsible way to conduct public policy.’

This post was published at Washingtons Blog on September 19, 2014.

Salmond Resigns – Cameron Breaks First Promise

Alex Salmond said Thursday’s vote for an independent Scotland had been ‘galvanizing, wonderful, empowering.’ Nevertheless, he announce he would resign as the head of Scotland.
‘My time as leader is nearly over, but for Scotland the campaign continues and the dream shall never die.’
Salmond said this is the time to now hold London to all its promises. ‘We now have the opportunity to hold Westminster’s feet to the fire on the vow that they have made to devolve further meaningful power to Scotland.’
Indeed, during the last few weeks of the campaign, Prime Minister David Cameron and other London-based politicians were scared to death of a YES vote…

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on September 19, 2014.

Florida cops storm barber shop to inspect licenses and sanitation

ORLANDO, FL – Deputies and state regulators aggressively raided Orlando-area barbershops, roughing up innocent staff and handcuffing them on the floor in an effort to check if the barbers had acquired government permission to legally cut hair.
A series of these raids has recently come to light, one of which is making its way through the litigation process in the federal court system. This was the raid of the Strictly Skills barbershop in Pine Hills, Florida, in which government agents warrantlessly stormed in the establishment with as many as 25 customers and 6 staff members present.
The description of events, as described in the appeal decision filed September 16, 2014, read as follows:

This post was published at Police State USA on September 18, 2014.

Anarchy In Washington: Is Anybody In Charge?

The President pledges “no combat troops” in Iraq.
The head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, says he may recommend combat ground troops in the battle against ISIS.
The President, in a speech, reiterates “no ground troops,” and “no combat troops.”
While Hillary Clinton, Obama’s presumptive heir, waits in the wings as her scheme to arm the Syrian rebels is implemented and the fuse is lit on the Levantine tinderbox. It isn’t a very long fuse….
So what is going on with the US government, and especially over at the Pentagon? Are they directly challenging the President – who is then acting to quickly quash them? Sure looks like it.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/19/2014.

Exponential: Ebola Cases Now Double Every 3 Weeks; CDC Warns As Much As Half A Million May Be Infected Soon

Since the start of the outbreak, the Ebola virus has infected 5,357 people, killing 2,630, according to the WHO; and as The UN explains, the outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen with the number of cases is doubling every three weeks. As Sierra Leone instigates a 3-day nationwide shutdown to contain the deadly virus, the UN Secretary-General explains “Ebola matters to us all,” as we noted previously the odds of the infection coming to America is around 18% by year-end. The CDC, however, hot on the heels of the UN’s proclamation that “the gravity and scale of the situation now require an unprecedented level of international action,” has warned that unless government intervention is increased significantly, 550,000 people could be infected by the end of January. “Contained?”
As The Secretary General of The UN stated…

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/19/2014.

Fear and Loathing in Scotland – Why the NO’s Won and Lessons Learned from the Vote

Yesterday morning, as I sat down for my ritualistic dose of caffeine and began to write, I noticed that I had auspiciously planted myself in front of two older women from the UK. One was from Scotland, the other from somewhere else in the United Kingdom with an accent I couldn’t quite place. The non-Scottish woman asked her friend for thoughts on the independence referendum. The Scottish woman replied that she would have voted ‘YES,’ but that her friends were all voting ‘NO.’ She said that ‘they were afraid.’
Upon overhearing this, I felt a pit form in my stomach. Almost all of the enthusiasm that I had for the day was immediately drained. Not only was I excited to see a historically defiant and proud people vote for independence, but yesterday marked the launch of theContributor section of Liberty Blitzkrieg. It was a big day for me, yet all of a sudden it was as if the atmosphere suddenly evaporated and despair filled the air. Although no results had yet been reported, I knew the result. It was going to be NO.
I’m pretty sure I have absolutely zero Scottish blood in me, but I felt a strong sense of pride and camaraderie with the rebellious northerners. They had a chance to really kickstart a peaceful process of political decentralization that would spread like brushfire across the world. From Caledonia to Catalonia. From Quebec to these United States. It would have been an unstoppable force. It would be humanity proudly waving a flag of liberty and saying we can be fully integrated within the world at large without being ruled from a centralized power far from where we live. This is my dream and vision for the future and I was hopeful the Scots could lead the way. Unfortunately, this did not happen.
In the wake of the results, I have witnessed a great deal of bitterness and anger about the vote. While I can relate to such sentiments, I try to take a much more constructive and optimistic approach to the future. First and foremost, we should all be proud that the vote happened at all. So many people within the so-called ‘liberty movement’ are discouragingly extreme pessimists. While proclaiming to fight for liberty, many of them seem to think we are powerless in the face of the powerful. To them, the independence referendum is proof that nothing can ever be changed. I completely disagree with this perspective…

This post was published at Liberty Blitzkrieg on Sep 19, 2014.