ISIS to ‘imminently’ launch car bomb, IED attacks in U.S., report says

Military bases near the U. S. southern border have been placed on heightened alert as the Obama Administration, and other U. S. officials now fear imminent improvised explosive attacks will be carried out inside the U. S. by ISIS cells positioned just across the U. S. border in Mexico.
However, this all comes after Rep. Jeff Duncan, South Carolina, (R), accused DHS last week of ignoring border threats from ISIS which were previously mentioned by Gov. Rick Perry, Texas and others. In fact, Duncan was quoted telling America to ‘wake up’.
Moreover and to make matters worse, Michael S. Schmidt reporting for the New York Times pointed out in a recent article how terrorists could simply enter the country legally, writing:

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on September 18th, 2014.

The Truth About Robin Williams Death

Did Robin Williams really die from suicide?
Williams was undoubtedly a mega-talent and theatrical genius, but the word ‘suicide’ gives the impression that it was ‘his own decision’, or ‘his own choice’, and because the subject of depression and substance abuse in Hollywood is seen as a normal fact of show business life, then there is seldom any further inquiry once the official hammer drops on the case. ‘Nothing more to see, move along please!’
But there is more to see in this case – a lot more…

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on SEPTEMBER 18, 2014.

“We Are About To Arm Some Rebels And Drone Some More Folks” – Obama Statement On Passage Of Syrian Strategy

Moments ago, the Senate passed a $1 trillion government-funding bill that according to the Hill also gave the president new authority to battle the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The legislation, which has now been approved by both chambers of Congress, now heads to the White House for Obama?s signature. While the stopgap bill will prevent a government shutdown on Oct. 1, the vote will be remembered for a controversial provision that allows Obama to start a new training program for rebel fighters in Syria. In other words, not only will Obama arm some folks, he will also drone some other folks, the same folks he was arming a year ago.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/18/2014.

Police shoot ‘suspicious’ Utah man six times in the back while fleeing

SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT – A young man was fatally shot several times after he took a walk in his neighborhood and someone reported him as being ‘suspicious.’ Questions are being raised about how the police are justifying shooting him six times – all from behind – as he apparently tried to run for safety.
* * * * *
The fatal incident happened on September 10th, 2014. On that Wednesday morning, 22-year-old Darrien Hunt decided to go for a walk in his neighborhood.
Mr. Hunt was toting a novelty item that he had purchased in a nearby Asian gift shop: a ‘Samurai-style’ sword with a dull edge. Hunt’s family stated that the sword was for display only, and had a rounded edge that could not cut anything, according to KSL.
Carrying the item does not appear to be in violation of Florida weapons law, yet police were dispatched because someone called the government to report a ‘suspicious person.’

This post was published at Police State USA on September 18, 2014.

The U.S. Has Already Completed Regime Change In Syria (1949), Iran (1953), Iraq (Twice), Afghanistan (Twice), Turkey, Libya and Other Oil-Rich Countries

Syria Everyone knows that the U. S. and its allies have heavily backed Islamic terrorists in Syria in an attempt to implement regime change in that country.
But did you know that the U. S. previously carried out regime change in Syria?
The CIA backed a right-wing coup in Syria in 1949. Douglas Little, Professor, Department of Clark University History professor Douglas Little notes:
As early as 1949, this newly independent Arab republic was an important staging ground for the CIA’s earliest experiments in covert action.
The CIA secretly encouraged a right-wing military coup in 1949.
The reason the U. S. initiated the coup? Little explains:
In late 1945, the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) announced plans to construct the Trans-Arabian Pipe Line (TAPLINE) from Saudi Arabia to the Mediterra- nean. With U. S. help, ARAMCO secured rights-of-way from Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The Syrian right-of-way was stalled in parliament.
In other words, Syria was the sole holdout for the lucrative oil pipeline.
(Indeed, the CIA has carried out this type of covert action right from the start.)
In 1957, the American president and British prime minister agreed to launch regime change again in Syria. Historian Little notes that the coup plot was discovered and stopped:

This post was published at Washingtons Blog on September 17, 2014.

White House Explains Where Your $1.3 Billion Went In Ukraine

Just minutes after Poroshenko’s fearmongering speech to US Congress (and in the face of a collapsing Ukraine economy), The White House has released its “fact sheet” to explain exactly how committed (aside from the lethal aid demands – which may or may not be happening as we noted here) to supprting Ukraine the US taxpayer is… On top of guaranteeing $1 billion of Ukraine’s debt, a further $291 million in ‘assistance’ has been flooded in… here’s what for…
FACT SHEET: U. S. Support for Ukraine
The United States is firmly committed to supporting Ukraine as it works to establish security and stability, respond to humanitarian and reconstruction needs, conduct democratic elections and carry out constitutional reforms, restore its economy, and combat corruption. Along with our international partners, including the IMF, the United States is committed to supporting Ukraine’s reform agenda while also ensuring that Ukrainians are able to determine their future without intimidation or outside coercion.
In pursuit of these objectives, the U. S. government has provided approximately $291 million in assistance to Ukraine this year as well as a $1 billion loan guarantee. This includes thePresident’s announcement today of a new package of assistance totaling $53 million, of which:
More than $7 million will be directed to international relief organizations to provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine’s east. $46 million in security assistance will support Ukraine’s military and border guards. This is in addition to the $70 million in security assistance we have previously announced. The President has also asked U. S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker to lead a U. S. Government delegation to Ukraine September 26-27 to meet with senior Ukrainian government and business leaders and discuss Ukrainian economic reform efforts and the steps that the government needs to take in the short- and medium-term to strengthen its business climate and build an economy that attracts private capital.
The U. S. government will continue to work with Congress to identify additional opportunities for U. S. assistance to Ukraine. For example, the Administration has requested from Congress an additional $45 million in FY 2015 as part of the President’s European Reassurance Initiative that would help build Ukraine’s capacity to provide for its own defense and increase interoperability with U. S. and Western forces.
Examples of U. S. assistance to Ukraine in response to the crisis include the following:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/18/2014.

El-Erian: Investors Are Overlooking 6 Major Sources Of Global Uncertainty

This has been an unusual year for the global economy, characterized by a series of unanticipated economic, geopolitical, and market shifts – and the final quarter is likely to be no different. How these shifts ultimately play out will have a major impact on the effectiveness of government policies – and much more. So why have financial markets been behaving as if they were in a world of their own?
Apparently unfazed by disappointing growth in both advanced and emerging economies, or by surging geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, equity markets have set record after record this year. This impressive rally has ignored a host of historical relationships, including the long-established correlation between the performance of stocks and government bonds. In fact, correlations among a number of different financial-asset classes have behaved in an atypical and, at times, unstable manner.
Meanwhile, on the policy front, advanced-country monetary-policy cohesion is giving way to a multi-track system, with the European Central Bank stepping harder on the stimulus accelerator, while the US Federal Reserve eases off. These factors are sending the global economy into the final quarter of the year encumbered by profound uncertainty in several areas.
Looming particularly large over the next few months are escalating geopolitical conflicts that are nearing a tipping point, beyond which lies the specter of serious systemic disruptions in the global economy. This is particularly true in Ukraine, where, despite the current ceasefire, Russia and the West have yet to find a way to ease tensions definitively. Absent a breakthrough, the inevitable new round of sanctions and counter-sanctions would likely push Russia and Europe into recession, dampening global economic activity.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/18/2014.

More Than Just Gas: Is This Natural Resource The Reason For The Ukraine Civil War?

Earlier today, we got a definitive confirmation that when Obama was talking about “costs” when jawboning on the ongoing Ukraine civil war, he envisioned not only Germany, and thus Europe, both of which are teetering on the edge of a triple-dip recession due to Russian sanctions, but Ukraine itself. The reason: the Ukraine economy appears to have ground to a halt following an overnight report that the war-torn country’s industrial output plummeted 21.4% Y/Y in August, above the 18% estimate, and some 12.7% on a monthly basis. As the chart below shows, this was the biggest drop in industrial production since the global crisis of 2009 and followed a 12% fall year-on-year in July.

As the FT further added, according to an EBRD forecast earlier today, the Ukrainian economy will contract 9% this year, a far greater contraction than assumed in the IMF’s bailout (odd how that always happens). Accordingly, this “makes sustainability of Kiev’s government debts much more doubtful, and has sparked concerns that the country will eventually be forced to default and restructure.”

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/18/2014.

Operational Details of Ebola Quarantine Zones & Martial Law Enforcement

If one thinks that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) are merely tax-supported guardians at the gate protecting the public’s health and welfare, then one is seriously deluded and naive. These two rogue organizations are proving to be as greedy, cunning and evil as Goldman Sachs and they, as well as Bill Gates, are preparing to usher in an Ebola pandemic accompanied by mandatory vaccinations and quarantines enforced through the use of lethal force.
Follow the Data
When it comes to Ebola, one only has to follow the publicly available data trail in order to understand what is coming regarding what will prove to be the scourge of the 21st century.
The present data trail tells us that the CDC owns the illness and all variants known as ‘Ebola’. Since the CDC owns Ebola, anyone attempting to treat Ebola, within the United States, must pay a royalty to the CDC. The data trail also reveals that NIH owns the Ebola-related vaccines developed by Crucell and these vaccines were clinically tested on two groups of human volunteers in 2006! This means that an Ebola vaccine has been available for eight years rendering the present stories about vaccine development by Monsanto and GSK to be a cover story.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on September 18, 2014.

The Tower Of Babel Comes To Paris: The Folly Of Obama’s War On ISIS

US imperialism was once a fearsome force – -mainly for ill. Under the latter heading, Washington’s savage destruction of Vietnam four decades ago comes readily to mind. But now the American Imperium has become just a gong show on the Potomac – even as its weapons have gotten more lethal and its purposes more spurious and convoluted.
There is no more conspicuous proof than Obama’s quixotic ‘war’ on ISIS. The quote marks are necessary, of course, because the White House insists that this is merely a counter-terrorism project that is not really a war; that the campaign to ‘degrade, disrupt and destroy’ the Islamic State will not deploy a single American soldier – at least not one with his or her boots on; and that the heavy lifting on the ground against the barbaric ISIS hordes will be conducted by a ‘broad coalition’ of so far nameless nations.
In truth, the whole thing is a giant, pathetic farce. There will be no coalition, no strategy, no boots, no ISIS degradation, no gain in genuine safety and security for the American homeland. This is an utterly misbegotten war against an enemy that has more urgent targets than America, but a war which will nonetheless fire-up the already boiling cauldron of Middle Eastern tribal, religious and political conflict like never before. There is no name for what Obama is attempting except utter folly.
Even before Secretary Kerry brought his medicine show to Paris, it was evident there is no coalition of the willing – or even the bought. The best that the 26 odd signatories to his communique could muster was a vague endorsement of Iraq’s boundaries and a pledge to support its still only partially formed, three-week old government ‘by any means necessary’………except not by a single one of the ‘means’ that are actually available.

This post was published at David Stockmans Contra Corner on September 18, 2014.

Ebola death toll passes 2,400, WHO pleads for more aid to West Africa

In an unexpected turn of events, Cuba has announced that it will send over the largest medical team yet to aid West Africa during the worst Ebola outbreak in history. More than 2,400 people have now died of Ebola, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), prompting calls for a stronger international response in alleviating the crisis. At a recent news conference in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO head Margaret Chan called on the nations of the world to send more people to the three most stricken countries in the region — Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. More than anything, she says, these nations need expert health professionals who know how to deal with the virus, which kills roughly half of those it infects.“The thing we need most of all is people,” Chan stated, calling on an additional 1,000 local doctors and nurses, and about 500 foreign health professionals, to help contain the disease. Responding to the call, Cuba has pledged to send 165 doctors and nurses to Sierra Leone, which Chan says is the largest commitment thus far. When they arrive during the first week of October, the 62 Cuban doctors and 103 nurses will remain there for six months. All of them have previously given aid in “post-catastrophe situations,” stated Cuban Health Minister Roberto Morales Ojeda, who was also at the news conference.

This post was published at Natural News on Thursday, September 18, 2014.

Video: Laying the Groundwork for World War III (USA, Russia, China Circa 2016)

Recent years have seen the rise of dangerous rhetoric from the world’s major super powers. Russia, China and the United States have all made it clear that they will not take nuclear weapons off the table and officials in all of these nations have made overt threats that force will be used to defend their interests.
Over the last several years we’ve witnessed some key developments that are reminiscent of the posturing that eventually lead to the start of the Great War in 1914.
Russian and Chinese submarines, for example, have been spotted within a few hundred miles of both, the eastern and western, U. S. shores. In 2012, residents of the west coast captured photos and video of what appeared to be a missile contrailjust off Southern California at the very same time that President Obama was in meetings with Chinese leaders. Though the U. S. government later claimed that the contrail was an airplane, expert analysis suggests otherwise.
This year the heat has really been turned up.
The supposed stability that led to U. S. troop withdrawals in Iraq has collapsed as Islamic State militants make their way across the region pillaging towns and murdering detractors by the thousands. But, while the threat of terrorism from these militants could lead to attacks on U. S. soil, nothing comes close to what a conflagration with Russia might look like.

This post was published at shtfplan on September 17th, 2014.

Homeland Security orders retailers to spy on their own customers

The federal government is asking Americans to spy on each other again, not coincidentally over the 13th anniversary of 9/11 because, you know, that’ll prevent new terrorist attacks or, at a minimum, result in a reduction in the sale of food preparation appliances, which might be just as good. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh (pronounced “Jay” — I think) Johnson said that his department is going to be issuing new “guidance” to retailers in the coming days, in order to train them on how to spot potential terrorists among customers judging by what they are purchasing.(Understand that it takes years of higher-lever education and experience as an analyst to really be any good at this, but hey, the Obama Administration’s got a few “pointers” for retail store clerks about “How to Spot A Terrorist.” No way this could go bad.)As reported by The Washington Times:While saying the government cannot prohibit sales of some everyday materials, Mr. Johnson said retailers should be trained to look for anyone who buys a lot from what he described as a “long list of materials that could be used as explosive precursors.”

This post was published at Natural News on Thursday, September 18, 2014.

ISIS Posts Video Of British Hostage To “Dispel Manipulated Truths” Of The Western Media

In an unusual turn of events, ISIS has released a ‘news’ video – absent gruesome beheadings and threats – that features ISIS captive UK report John Cantlie explaining, calmly, how “there are two sides to the story,” in Iraq and Syria and attempting to “dispel the manipulated truths” of the Western media… “think you’re getting the whole picture.. as history repeats itself yet again.”
According to Cantlie, this is the first in a series – “You may be surprised at what you learn.”

Zero Hedge

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/18/2014.

More Unlawful Presidential Killing

As the debate rages over whether the president needs congressional authorization for war prior to his deployment of the military to degrade or destroy ISIS, the terrorist organization that none of us had heard about until a few months ago, the nation has lost sight of the more fundamental issue of President Obama’s infidelity to the rule of law.
On the lawfulness of his proposed war, the president has painted himself into a corner. Last year, he quite properly recognized that the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), a statute enacted by Congress in 2002 to permit President George W. Bush to use the military to track down, capture, degrade or kill all persons or organizations that planned the attacks of 9/11, cannot apply to organizations that did not exist at the time of 9/11, of which ISIS is one.
That leaves the president with two remaining alternatives. One is the War Powers Resolution (WPR), a statute enacted by Congress in 1973 to limit presidentially ordered military invasions absent congressional assent to 180 days or fewer. But the WPR is unconstitutional, as it consists of Congress giving away to the president express authority to declare war, which the Constitution delegates to Congress. The Supreme Court has prohibited such giveaways of core powers and responsibilities from one branch of the federal government to another.
Even if Obama decides to rely on the WPR, and expects that no federal judge will interfere with that decision, his military advisers have told him he cannot achieve his objective in 180 days. They also have told him he cannot achieve his objective by the use of air power alone.

This post was published at Lew Rockwell on September 18, 2014.

Obama’s Ebola Agenda to Collapse the World Economy. French Aid Worker with Ebola Being Evac’d to Paris

Last few months spent gathering data and lining up the dominoes. Time to connect the dots.
Obama sending US troops to West Africa to get infected and bring back here.
Remember, it has a 21-day incubation period and new mutations very likely are undetectable.
GENERAL: SENDING MILITARY TO FIGHT EBOLA ‘MISUSE’ OF SOLDIERS Ex-Delta Force commander stresses ‘great risk’ of infection
World Bank: Ebola’s Economic Impact Could Be ‘Catastrophic’
US to begin Ebola hospital equipment lift to Liberia
A French aid worker from the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has contracted the Ebola virus in Liberia, reports say.
It follows a warning by the World Bank that the epidemic is threatening economic disaster across West Africa. The woman is being repatriated to the French capital Paris under maximum security.
Send 3,000 doctors, not 3,000 soldiers – Activist responds to Obama’s Ebola plan

This post was published at Investment WatchBlog on September 18th, 2014.


Censored information implicates Saudi Arabia in 9/11 attacks
Even as Americans marked the 13th anniversary of 9/11 last week, the vast majority remain completely oblivious to the fact that the full story behind the attacks has not been told, with 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission report still remaining classified.
In an effort to lift the lid on the information contained in the censored pages, which almost certainly implicates Saudi Arabia in the September 11 attacks, Congressman Ron Paul has called on Americans to get behind a campaign to draw attention to U. S. Rep. Walter Jones’ House Resolution 428, which demands that the President order the 28 pages declassified in full.
Paul is urging supporters to upload videos to YouTube explaining why the 28 pages should be declassified, in addition to launching the campaign on Twitter under the hashtag #Declassify. Infowars is also throwing its support behind this cause under the hashtag #releasethe28pages.
In an interview with Ron Paul, Congressman Jones gave an insight into the kind of secrecy that surrounds the 28 pages and the security precautions that are taken when lawmakers, who are required to swear on oath not to release details, request to see the information.
‘You have to go down into a room that is guarded by uniformed officers, and then also you have an FBI person to sit there in the room,’ said Jones. ‘You can’t make any notes. The Bush people do not want it released. It’s not a national security issue. But it would be embarrassing to the previous administration if this information is opened for the public…. There will be no hope for America’s future if the American people don’t know the truth about a tragedy such as 9/11.’

This post was published at Info Wars by PAUL JOSEPH WATSON | SEPTEMBER 18, 2014.

Russia Calls Law on Special Status of Donbas ‘Step in Right Direction’

Russia views the recent Ukrainian law on special status of parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk region as a step in the right direction, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
"This document is regarded by Russia as a step in the right direction and in line with the agreements outlined in the Geneva joint statement by Russia, Ukraine, the United States and the EU on April 17, as well as in the Berlin declaration of July 2," the ministry said in a statement.
"It creates a foundation for the launch of a comprehensive constitutional process in Ukraine, including the start of a dialogue aimed at facilitating the national reconciliation in that country," the statement said.
The ministry also expressed hope that all the provisions of the law would be strictly implemented by Kiev authorities in order to avoid a return to confrontation and violence in eastern Ukraine.

This post was published at RAI Novosti