Preparing For All Out Iraq War: Joint Chiefs Of Staff Back US Troops In Combat “If Necessary”

Who could have seen this coming? In yet another example of untruthiness, it appears, according to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee this morning, President Obama would back U. S. advisers accompanying Iraqi troops in battle to combat Islamic State militants if necessary. For now, Dempsey noted, Iraqi security forces are “doing fine,” but as Republican, Sen. Jim Inhofe noted, “it is foolhardy for the Obama administration to tie its hands and so firmly rule out the possibility of special operators on the ground.” Following Hagel’s remarks that the fight will “not be an easy or a brief effort,” Dempsey said if it doesn’t succeed, he would not rule out advising Obama to use U. S. ground forces.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/16/2014.