Sierra Leone’s 6 million residents endure mandatory three-day confinement to their homes

(NaturalNews) An unprecedented national lockdown is about to take place in Sierra Leone, one of the three West African countries most embattled by the worst Ebola outbreak in history. Reports indicate that Sierra Leone’s 6 million residents are being asked to stay home for three days this weekend while patrols rove the country in search of sick patients and decomposing bodies. Beginning on Friday at midnight, the entire nation will be required to stay at home while some 30,000 volunteers go door-to-door looking for human fallout. The controversial initiative is meant to root out hidden sources of Ebola, as many families are trying to conceal their ailed loved ones by keeping them hidden from authorities.“Rain or shine, the shutdown exercise is going to go ahead,” stated Steven Gaojia, head of Sierra Leone’s emergency operation center. “During the three days… the job is going to get done.”

This post was published at Natural News on Saturday, September 20, 2014.