Libya Up Next (Again) On Obama’s ‘Bomb the World’ Tour?

While the media tends to tread lightly on the subject (they were, after all, war cheerleaders), it is nevertheless widely known that President Obama’s war on Libya to spread democracy and save the Libyan people from a dictator did not quite turn out as advertised.
On March 28, 2011, the president announced of his attack on Libya:
We are succeeding in our mission… Because we acted quickly a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians…have been saved.
Fast forward just a bit and it is obvious that his confidence in the righteousness of his bombing mission is misplaced. Shortly after the president proclaimed “Mission Accomplished” in Libya, the radical Islamists with which his administration had allied to overthrow Gaddafi gained the upper hand and began to unleash a whole new kind of terror on the Libyan people. And, famously, on US diplomats as well.

This post was published at Ron Paul Institute on October 6, 2014.