Symptomatic 5-Year-Old Boy Tested For Ebola At Bellevue Hospital After Returning From West Africa

Following a weekend in which the condition of the Ebola-diagnosed doctor currently being treated at Bellevue hospital, Craig Spencer, reportedly deteriorated, the NY Post which first broke news of Spencer’s condition last week reported seveeral hours ago that NY may have its second possible Ebola case after a 5-year-old boy who just returned from West Africa was transported to Bellevue Hospital Sunday with possible Ebola symptoms, according to law-enforcement sources.
According to the Post, the child was vomiting and had a 103-degree fever when he was carried from his Bronx home by EMS workers wearing hazmat suits, neighbors said. ‘He looked weak,’ said a neighbor.
‘He was really, really out of it.’
And while under ordinary circumstances this most likely would have been just extraordinary precautions due to a bad case of the flu, in this case the risk factor is that the boy returned with his family from Guinea Saturday night. As a result, five members of the family were being quarantined inside their apartment, sources said.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 10/27/2014.