FAIL: With a Pathetic 11% Approval Rating, a Whopping 96% of Congress was Re-Elected

Congress, for those of you who haven’t heard, pretty much sucks.
This meme is currently making it’s way around the Internet:

Again. Congress sucks. They have a toilet-flushworthy approval rating. Yeah. That’s an adjective I just made up to be able to fully illustrate the fact that I’m talking about utter crap. But instead of flushing the turds like turds should be flushed, some of America ran out to the polls like a pack of crazed jackals and OVERWHELMINGLY RE-ELECTED THESE CRIMINALS EN MASSE.
Politifact even did the checking on this one and deemed it true. The numbers could be fudged a little both ways, with the approval ratings skyrocketing as high as 14% and the re-elected numbers going down as low as 95%, but overall… THIS MEME JUST HAPPENED TO AMERICA.
‘Voters hold Congress in low regard, yet they re-elect almost everyone,’ Politifact declared.
Sorry for all the caps here. I just don’t get why the people in this country keep doing this to themselves every single election. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over (and over and over and over and over) and somehow magically expecting different results? It’s a bad horror movie that never ends.
It’s like watching millions of people repeatedly attempt to scoop their eyeballs out with a rusty spork in the dark on schedule every few years. It’s painful. It hurts. It burns.

This post was published at The Daily Sheeple on November 17th, 2014.